Buboo Fun (pre-order)

正常價格 HK$545.00
銷售價格 HK$545.00 正常價格
Full Case 12 pcs
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Buboo Fun (pre-order)

Buboo Fun (pre-order)

Product description
Product description

Buboo Fun is your summer water play buddy!

Each spherical bubble design comes in 12 different animal shapes for you to choose from. All Buboo Fun is upright on water and placed on a table as a wobble toy.

Each box contains 10 display cases, with one hidden edition inside. Every five boxes of 50 display cases contain a super hidden edition, precious for collectors.

You can take them in the bathtub, the pool, or outdoors, bringing you even more water play fun. 

Release on 30 AUG 2024

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